I live…

In Brooklyn.

I’m a native of New York City, which I consider my home. It’s where I hang out with family and good friends. Where I was involved with Jewish communities as well as Buddhist ones. I am the co-founder of a Buddhist meditation community called the Young Adult Sangha at New York Insight. I am also the former Director of Integral Activism at the Interdependence Project where I led a campaign called Back to the Sack, which aimed to get rid of plastic bags in New York.

Hi there.

Rafi in thailand, smiling

If you're reading this, then you've reached the web log of Rafi Santo. This is my little slice of the internet where I can share my passion (or whatever) with the world.

Research. Meditation. Learning theory. Spirituality. Activism. Cooking. New Media. Pedagogy. Photography. It's all fair game, and will likely coalesce into some unholy mixture thereof. But hey, that's the integral life.

